Faza'il E Sadaqaat (Virtues of Charity)

Forfatter: Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalwi
Oversat fra urdu til engelsk: M. Tayyab Bakhsh Badayuni

100,00 DKK
Model/varenr.: JH-00735
Lager: 4 stk tilbage på lager Kun få stk. tilbage

A comprehensive look at the benefits and importance of the institution of Charity as laid out in the Qur’an and sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) and the doings of his Sahaba.
Benefits, Virtues and greatness of Sadaqaa (Charity) in Islam

Sheikh Maulana Zakaria Khandalvi spent 55 years teaching Ahaadith. of which 45 years were spent in teaching Bukhari Sharif.

As an author he wrote many important books. Awjazul-Masaalik, commentary of Muatta Imam Malik in fifteen volumes and La’miud-Dirari, commentary of Sahih-al-Bukhari, consisting of over ten volumes. He has also written a compilation of books on virtues in various different subjects.


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